Sustainable Materials

Trust Issaquah Lumber for Your Sustainable Materials

At Issaquah Limber, we aspire to be a leader by ushering in innovative and disruptive changes across all industries to ensure we meet the needs of today’s and future generations by offering premium sustainable materials and services.

What are sustainable materials?

There are many factors we consider when choosing material goods to manufacture products, without depleting the natural resources by sourcing sustainable materials from low environmental impact or renewable resources.  

Till recent times, the global economy’s business standard of “take, make, and waste” has been exhausting natural resources faster than they can be refilled and weakening ecosystems.

However, nowadays, most industries are making a more responsible effort to use the least required amount of these essential resources while maintaining a net positive effect on their reserve and making use of eco friendly materials. It would estimate business triumph in a major way as it  gives you the ability to do more with less, designing out waste and pollution and restoring and regenerating natural systems. 

With more analysis and evolution, we can produce materials that have a lower impact. With broader use and access to invention, the world can get closer to reaching sustainable consumption and production ambitions.

How are sustainable materials affecting the world today?

Every industry, including construction, healthcare, manufacturing units, consumer goods, and more, virtually uses sustainable materials.

Each industry must determine what sustainable leadership means for them and the efforts they are contributing to finding explanations for our collective challenges.

Consumers should consider

  • what materials the manufacturer uses in the product,

  • how it’s made,

  • who made it,

  • how it’s transported, and

  • how long it will last.

By communicating complete information on goals and services, every company makes it easier for consumers to make decisions.

How is it helpful to the world?

1] The most significant benefit of using our products made using eco friendly materials is the preservation of natural resources for future generations. A greater awareness of industry’s impact on the environment, people and societies, as well as the design of more sustainable materials, makes a change in how services are offered, created and designed with longevity in mind.

2] Another benefit is improved health conditions. Outdoor air is less polluted more than indoor air. This is because commonly used construction and interior items, such as cleaning products, paints,  and carpets, can be harmful for human health. By opting for less toxic products and more sustainable materials, one can improve air purification with lower exposure to chemicals and toxins.

3] Sustainable materials in construction with green buildings reduce wastage with their lesser environmental impact and use of renewable resources.

What must we do?

Avoid using detrimental artificial and synthetic substances in a product and give more preference to sustainable material that consume less energy and are renewable, natural, and carbon neutral.

1] Natural

As the synthetic and artificially manufactured materials do not biodegrade and are toxic and dangerous, they contribute to environmental hazards and pollution.

2] Renewable:

Not all natural resources are renewable. Certain elements, such as aluminum and iron, are naturally occurring, non-renewable resources that are abundant and have an indefinate recycling potential. Certain elements like zinc, silver, lead and some rare earth metals,  are in short supply but are used in a wide range of industries. The extraction and mining of metals consume enormous quantities of energy and harm the environment.

3] Non-toxic and safe:

You must not only ensure the end product is toxic-free but also ensure that the means of production do not emit any use toxic chemicals..

You should be aware of the material’s llifecycle and avoid using materials that are created in an unsafe manner.

How does Issaquah Limber view, utilize, and develop sustainable materials?

Issaquah Limber commits to becoming a leader in sustainabilityWe are aware of our obligation to properly integrate recycled and renewable materials and to focus on creating solutions that maximize functionality while utilizing minimal resources, to boost global circular economy.

There are many factors we take into consideration when choosing sustainable materials for manufacturing wood products, including the material’s lifecycle’s impact, durability, biodegradability, environmental footprints, and how it is sourced. Our purpose in using sustainable materials is to ensure your projects last long, with lower maintenance costs and less sustenance.

We assure you that you will be satisfied and take pride in contributing towards a better tomorrow with a cost-reduction and extended life span by building a sustainable home. 

For sustainable homes and other services, we use materials that are durable and long-lasting, like bamboo, cork, concrete, and reclaimed wood, to name just a few. Additionally, when you use sustainable materials in the construction industry, they manage water in a more effective and environmentally friendly manner.

We can equip sustainable buildings with systems that recycle water. In sustainable buildings you can collect and preserve renewable energy, stock it and reprocess it accordingly.

For more information about sustainable materials and all our services, please get in touch with us.. We are available to help you with the best quality products.  Call us now!

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