Capture the Playhouse that Lives in Your Child’s Imagination
Build an outdoor child’s playhouse with basic building materials and create a space for your children that they can call their very own. Capture the playhouse that lives in your child’s imagination and make it a reality. With a little bit of planning, and the proper tools, you can design, build, and decorate a […]
Does Your Deck Look Like You Live in the Hoh Rain Forest?
We’ve got a solution, literally. Penofin Brightener removes mildew and mold from Cedar, with rave reviews. Learn more about Penofin and how to bring back the beauty of your Cedar decking.
We Have Cedar to Help You Build More Than a Simple Cage All the rage! We have cedar to help you build more than a simple cage. The general rule is 4 square feet of inside space and 10 square feet of run space per standard sized bird, half that for bantams. I’ve seen some people give their birds 2 square feet per bird inside the […]
Why Support Locally Owned Businesses?
Why Support Locally Owned Businesses? | The New Rules Project
Seattle Home Show!
Our whole crew has been having a great time at the Seattle Home Show! We’re in booth #1110 and have been receiving rave reviews on the IC Railing system. Check out the details at Seattle Home and Garden Show
An IC Railing Installation
This IC Railing installation turned out great! Aren’t the corners fabulous?!?
Stainless Steel Railing
We are proud to announce our partnership with GotStainless rail systems. Gotstainless is a solid rod (no cables here) rail system that can be used inside or out. The installation is very DIY friendly (4 bolts and a couple screws and your ready to go) and can be done at anytime during the job. Stop […]
Your Own Personal Oasis!
Our Live Edge cabin is here! Stop in to see a beautiful example of craftsmanship and design. It comes with all the important amenities, sink, refrigerator, power, and hardwood floors throughout. It has been inspected, and is small enough that you don’t need a permit to put it in your backyard, just set it down […]
VanZanten Landscaping
Here at ICL we tend to focus on cedar and the structures that it is used in, but with John Van Zanten we slow down and take time to smell the roses, ferns, and any of the other plants he puts in his projects. I think you will find John to be a great resource […]
Project Pictures
We are going to start posting pictures of the staff’s favorite projects. Some will be contractors and some DIYers. Let us know what you think.